If you work 40 or more hours per payroll month in Suspendible Employment after retirement and are not receiving benefits under Section 4.5, When Payments Are Mandatory, you will forfeit your right to benefits for those months. In addition, you will not receive the increase for deferred retirement explained under Section 4.4, Deferred Retirement if you work in Suspendible Employment 40 or more hours per payroll month beyond your Normal Retirement Age.

When it is not possible to determine the actual number of hours you worked in Suspendible Employment in a month, you will be deemed to have worked 40 or more hours where you receive payment for any hours worked on eight or more days in that payroll month.

If the Suspendible Employment is Covered Employment, benefit accruals earned during that employment are paid at the later of your subsequent retirement or when you reach age 65. See Section 5.3, Return to Covered Employment.


Retirement and related ben­efits for participants.