10.1 Suspendible Employment Defined
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Suspendible Employment is employment that meets all three of the following conditions:
- Industry. The employment is in any industry covered by the Plan on your Retirement Date or when you satisfied the Plan’s age and service requirements for retirement benefits;
- Trade/Craft. The employment is in any trade or craft in which you worked in Covered Employment at any time (which includes, for example, any job classifications you held, the duties you performed, or the skills you used or acquired while working in Covered Employment); and
- Geographic Area. The employment is in the geographic area covered by the Plan, which includes the entire State of Alaska.
Suspendible Employment includes supervisory employment or self-employment which meets these conditions, regardless of whether it is covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement.
There is an exception to the Suspendible Employment rules if you are a member of a collective bargaining unit on the first date employment in that unit becomes Covered Employment. In this case, so long as your employment wasn’t Suspendible Employment before Contributions for that employment began, your continued employment as a member of that unit is not Suspendible Employment. In addition, employment with the Alaska Teamster-Employer Service Training Trust in the capacity of training Teamster positions is not considered Suspendible Employment, if the union certifies that no active member is available to fill that position. Other exceptions to Suspendible Employment may be adopted by the Board of Trustees to address labor shortages or other circumstances. Please contact the Trust Customer Service Office if you would like further information regarding any Suspendible Employment exceptions.