C.1 Early Retirement for Benefits Accrued Before January 1, 2012

The benefits described in this Section C.1 are calculated based on Section 5, including prior accrual rates applicable under Appendix H.

If you both attained age 57 and met the service requirements specified in Subsection (a) or (b) of this Section C.1 one or before December 31, 2011, you are entitled to receive the amount of your Normal Retirement Benefit earned on or before December 31, 2011 as an Unreduced Benefit. The service requirements are:

  1. 50,000 Contributory Hours, 10,000 of which are earned after June 30, 1990, or
  2. 25 years of Contributory Years of Service, 5 of which are earned after June 30, 1990.

If you qualify for this Unreduced Early Retirement Benefit you may elect to receive the Unreduced Benefit for the amount of your Normal Retirement Benefit earned on or before December 31, 2011 as of a Retirement Date before or after December 31, 2011.


Retirement and related ben­efits for participants.