The following chart summarizes the circumstances under which health benefits can be continued, and the maximum duration of COBRA:

Qualifying Event Qualified Beneficiary Maximum Continuation Period
(1) Loss of benefits caused by reduction in Eligible Employee’s hours Employee and Dependents 18 months after loss of benefits*
(2) Loss of benefits caused by termination of Eligible Employee’s employment except for gross misconduct Employee and Dependents 18 months after loss of benefits*
(3) Loss of benefits caused by death of Eligible Employee or Retired Participant Dependents 36 months after Qualifying Event
(4) Loss of benefits caused by divorce of Eligible Employee or Retired Participant Dependents 36 months after Qualifying Event
(5) Loss of benefits caused by child losing dependent child status under Plan Dependent child 36 months after Qualifying Event
(6) Entitlement to Medicare within 18 months before a Qualifying Event described in (1) or (2). Dependents Later of: (1) 36 mo. from Medicare entitlement, or (2) 18 months from date of loss of coverage due to original Qualifying Event

* If a Qualified Beneficiary is disabled at any time before or during the first 60 days of COBRA coverage, COBRA coverage may continue for up to 29 months.

If a second Qualifying Event occurs within 18 months of a Qualifying Event described in (1) or (2), COBRA coverage may be extended for up to a maximum of 36 months from the date of the first Qualifying Event.

If there is any conflict between these provisions and COBRA, the minimum requirements of COBRA shall govern.